Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Damon Family Hawaiian Vacation

Talk about starting the year off right, we spent the first of January on Kauai!
This was such an amazing vacation words just cannot do it justice...
Matt, Kathryn, and Paul at the Grand Canyon of the Pacific.

Parrot Talk time was one of the many highlights for me. These birds are so gosh darn cute!!

The boys went golfing so Kathryn and I took off on an exploring excursion. We hit JoJo's shaved ice and had the famous Hawaiian shaved ice with a scoop of ice cream in it. We also went to the Spouting Horn and saw cute lil sea turtles and breaching whales. I wish I had a picture of the moment but at the time I was too nervous to be thinking of snapping a shot but I must confess that in our adventure we turned off onto a dirt road and as we took in the sights the "dirt" turned into loose sand and we got stuck!! Luckily Kathryn was able to do some AAA worthy maneuvering and got us out of there. :) 

This was my first trip to Hawaii and I was so amazed everything is so beautiful! We went on a helicopter tour as the majority of the island is inaccessible by road and the view was positively breath taking! 

This is Lilikoi. She is adorable...and she will let you know it. "Pretty Bird".

We got drug on the stage to do the Hula...I wasn't very good.