Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Damon Family Hawaiian Vacation

Talk about starting the year off right, we spent the first of January on Kauai!
This was such an amazing vacation words just cannot do it justice...
Matt, Kathryn, and Paul at the Grand Canyon of the Pacific.

Parrot Talk time was one of the many highlights for me. These birds are so gosh darn cute!!

The boys went golfing so Kathryn and I took off on an exploring excursion. We hit JoJo's shaved ice and had the famous Hawaiian shaved ice with a scoop of ice cream in it. We also went to the Spouting Horn and saw cute lil sea turtles and breaching whales. I wish I had a picture of the moment but at the time I was too nervous to be thinking of snapping a shot but I must confess that in our adventure we turned off onto a dirt road and as we took in the sights the "dirt" turned into loose sand and we got stuck!! Luckily Kathryn was able to do some AAA worthy maneuvering and got us out of there. :) 

This was my first trip to Hawaii and I was so amazed everything is so beautiful! We went on a helicopter tour as the majority of the island is inaccessible by road and the view was positively breath taking! 

This is Lilikoi. She is adorable...and she will let you know it. "Pretty Bird".

We got drug on the stage to do the Hula...I wasn't very good.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Our First Christmas

Getting to share Christmas with Matt was perfect and special in every way!!

Everyone was so happy that the Burch family was able to come to Utah for Christmas. I miss Annalyn a lot so the more time I can get with her and her cute family the better! Matt took the family flying...

We went bowling one night and in the arcade section of the alley was a "hurricane simulator"
Addalyn LOVED it and Aiden well...

He loved it at first but then his excitement turned to panic poor lil guy.

Matt took me on a drive around his hometown one night to check out the lights.
This house was just INCREDIBLE! This man has carved and painted all of these fabulous Disney characters to adorn his lawn...talk about the festive spirit!!! I hope Matt and I are at least half as fun once we have a place to decorate. 

Christmas Eve was spent with my side of the family where we had a blast hanging out and swapping gifts. The Ellison crew had us over for a great lunch and awesome cake decorating session. Bart ended up dueling with a goat (I will post pics when I find them). My mom's side is HUGE so we end up partying at the local community center which is always fun and big kudos to my cousin Jared for party organizing, no small task with this rowdy lot.

Christmas Day was spent with Matt's cute family. It was fun to learn new traditions, I especially enjoyed wearing my santa hat and getting my very own stocking that is positively darling! 

I am so sad I don't have shots of the puppies enjoying all of their gifts but here is a snapshot of George "assisting" my mother-in-law with the baking!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Jazz Game

Basketball is right up there with baseball on my list of least favorite sports, so when Matt told me his parents had scored tickets to the Jazz game I was a bit apprehensive...
 I decided to give it a chance and surprisingly enough I had a BLAST! The game itself was a lot of fun to watch but I have to say Matt's reaction was the best. He looked like a child let loose in the world biggest candy shop on a puppy adoption day.
 The gentleman below is Larry. Matt made it his mission to become buds with Larry. Quite comical to watch.
 I mean this in the nicest way possible but professional athletes are freaks. NBA players are GINORMOUS freaks of nature (physically speaking, again no offense). 
                                    Freakishly tall & Freakishly wide big buff shoulders
 You see the cute lil feller in the 20 jersey to the right? That is Gordon Hayward...you just want to give the kid a hug. He is my favorite. Yes, Matt has already pointed out that he sucks DONT BE MEAN TO MY HAYWARD...he is sensitive. Thanks.
Don't ask me why but I root for my favorite players and by default their current team becomes my favorite team. Yes I know sacrilege but I can't help it. I think the Manning brothers are dolls therefore I love the Colts and Giants are my number 2. Other than that I just enjoy football. David Beckham is just well David Beckham so Go Galaxy! I like Hayward, Humphries, and Odom so now that I am pro NBA I feel really conflicted when Kris takes my Hayward to school on the court. 
 This just makes me smile. What in the world is this sweet lil ol Grandpa going to do if crazies storm the court?! Larry, Gramps needs backup!

Morale of the story: DON'T MAKE FUN OF MY HAYWARD. and basketball ain't that bad...in fact I kinda like it but shhh do NOT tell Matt ;)